Reverse Mortgage Calculator
Start with Our Reverse Mortgage Calculator
A lot of questions come up when a homeowner begins to think about a reverse mortgage loan. These can range from “Do I qualify for a reverse mortgage loan?” to “How much can I get?” Nevertheless, some of the most important questions can be answered rather easily with a reverse mortgage calculator. This does not need to be a difficult process, and starting with a calculator can help greatly during the planning process.
Some of the information that you can obtain by completing our reverse mortgage calculator includes:
- How much money can I get?
- How do I get the money, in payments, lump sum?
- Do I qualify for a reverse mortgage?
- What is the interest rate involved?
To learn more about reverse mortgage requirements and to discuss how much you can get for your home to determine if a reverse mortgage is right for you, contact our California reverse mortgage loan officers online or by phone today!

How Much Can I Get?
"*" indicates required fields
After the Reverse Mortgage Calculator: Taking the Next Step
After completing our reverse mortgage calculator, we will contact you to provide some of the important information you need to move forward. Our California reverse mortgage specialists will spend time with you face to face or by phone to help you understand just what the reverse mortgage calculator is telling you. Aside from answering “How much can I get from a reverse mortgage?”, we can help you understand how your age impacts the process (you must be 62 or older at the time the loan is made), interest rates that may apply, how the value of your home is calculated, and more.
If the reverse mortgage calculator gives you numbers that make both you and your family members comfortable, it will be time to dig into details of how you can use the funds and how you can choose to receive the payments. In general, how you use the money is up to you. The funds can also be used to eliminate mortgage payments, help family members financially, go on an extended vacation, take care of medical expenses, and more.
You will also learn about your responsibility to pay certain taxes, insurance, and fees during the reverse mortgage process.
Contact Us to Discuss Your Reverse Mortgage Calculator Results
Many retired couples and seniors have found that, with the help of reverse mortgage calculators and the assistance of reverse mortgage specialists, they can enjoy a real change in their lifestyle and experience the financial freedom they desire in their retirement. The same may be true for you!
Fill out our reverse mortgage calculator today to begin the process and find out if a reverse mortgage loan is the right choice for you. With help from our California reverse mortgage loan officers, we will guide you through the process and give you the information you need to make an informed decision. The perfect time to get started is now!
Learn More About California Reverse Mortgages
These are just some of the basics. If you would like to learn more about reverse mortgage requirements and if a reverse mortgage is right for you, we invite you to contact us today.

Call Now to start saving: (866) 539-5119
Copyright Citizens Lending Group - 5557 E Santa Ana Canyon Road #205, Anaheim Ca 92807 - Reverse Mortgages in California
Loans made or arranged pursuant to Real Estate Corporation License Endorsement #01814249, California Bureau of Real Estate. NMLS #1109984
These materials are not from HUD or FHA and were not approved by HUD or a government agency.